Docker Community Version

  1. Docker Community Version App
  2. Docker Community Version Download
  3. Docker Desktop Community Version

Collection version 1.3.0

How to downgrade docker version? From 17.03.0-ce to 1.12.6. What distro you running? The most common case is package-name=version e.g. (on debian and debian-based) this example is on Raspbian. Community.Docker¶ Collection version 1.3.0. Plugin Index¶ These are the plugins in the community.docker collection. Connection Plugins.

Plugin Index¶

These are the plugins in the community.docker collection

Docker Community Version App

Connection Plugins¶

Docker engine community version

Docker Community Version Download

  • docker – Run tasks in docker containers

  • docker_api – Run tasks in docker containers

Inventory Plugins¶

  • docker_containers – Ansible dynamic inventory plugin for Docker containers.

  • docker_machine – Docker Machine inventory source

  • docker_swarm – Ansible dynamic inventory plugin for Docker swarm nodes.


Docker Desktop Community Version

  • current_container_facts – Return facts about whether the module runs in a Docker container

  • docker_compose – Manage multi-container Docker applications with Docker Compose.

  • docker_config – Manage docker configs.

  • docker_container – manage docker containers

  • docker_container_info – Retrieves facts about docker container

  • docker_host_info – Retrieves facts about docker host and lists of objects of the services.

  • docker_image – Manage docker images.

  • docker_image_info – Inspect docker images

  • docker_image_load – Load docker image(s) from archives

  • docker_login – Log into a Docker registry.

  • docker_network – Manage Docker networks

  • docker_network_info – Retrieves facts about docker network

  • docker_node – Manage Docker Swarm node

  • docker_node_info – Retrieves facts about docker swarm node from Swarm Manager

  • docker_plugin – Manage Docker plugins

  • docker_prune – Allows to prune various docker objects

  • docker_secret – Manage docker secrets.

  • docker_stack – docker stack module

  • docker_stack_info – Return information on a docker stack

  • docker_stack_task_info – Return information of the tasks on a docker stack

  • docker_swarm – Manage Swarm cluster

  • docker_swarm_info – Retrieves facts about Docker Swarm cluster.

  • docker_swarm_service – docker swarm service

  • docker_swarm_service_info – Retrieves information about docker services from a Swarm Manager

  • docker_volume – Manage Docker volumes

  • docker_volume_info – Retrieve facts about Docker volumes

See also

List of collections with docs hosted here.