If you are a holder of BUSD, we are pleased to announce that you can purchase µTorrent Classic Pro, Pro+VPN or Ad-Free with Binance’s USD-backed stablecoin. With the help of CoinPayments.net, a leading integrated payment gateway provider for cryptocurrencies, BUSD joins TRX, BTC, BTT, OKB and BNB as the cryptocurrencies we currently accept. Alongside the addition of BUSD, we are replacing BNB (ERC20) with the faster and more liquid BNB (BEP2) as a payment option.

To celebrate the addition of BUSD and BNB (BEP2), we are discounting µTorrent Classic Pro by 25% on all crypto-based purchases for a limited time. µTorrent Classic Pro takes our desktop torrent client and adds several features, including advanced malware protection, no ads, an HD media player, premium support and more. To purchase using one of our supported cryptocurrencies, please click here.
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